The blue lagoon was definitely the highlight of my trip! Every part of it was amazing and as expected really! When first driving up to the resort we could see a tiny hot pool on the side of a road which left us all questioning 'is that really it?' for us to realise there was no-one in it and it was obviously not that small haha! The staff managed us efficiently baring in mind we were a big group and started by separating the under 19s. At first I didn't realise why until a girl next to me said that the drinking age was 20 which I was gutted about as everyone ended up having a prosecco whilst I sipped on my slush puppy haha!
It was easy and quick picking up our towels and heading through to the changing rooms. The water was so hot when I first walked in it was actually burning my toes but it felt so good to get into it after how cold it had been! I was definitely satisfied with how hot the water was, like a really steamy bath. I first thought I wouldn't want to stay in there long but time actually went really fast after you started to explore the whole lagoon which was actually bigger than I thought. But I guess it had to be for the amount of people visiting at one time. There were definitely questions about how the lagoon controls that many people. It is interesting as they can control what time people can arrive from to ensure there isn't loads arriving at once however you are allowed to stay for an unlimited amount of time which makes me wonder how they can ensure that full capacity is not reached. Having said this, after a while you can feel the chemicals in the water starting to irritate your hair and skin and also if you are being picked up by a coach like us, you had to be out at a certain time.
It's quite funny as you imagine when you get there that you'd be able to get an amazing photo of yourself in the lagoon, like you see online. However, there is always people in the background and it's actually shocking that I managed to get the one below! It makes you feel as though the place is marketed incorrectly like you could get all these stunning photos of you in the water but it definitely doesn't work out like that!
Before all of the tourists started to visit Iceland, the blue lagoon was a free attraction that you could enter as you please so it is actually a shame to the locals now that the price has increased so much. You can now pay different amounts for certain packages and it raises a concern about commoditising Iceland's natural beauty. But if they didn't, how could you possibly control that many people and preserve the site?
